Is it just a headache?
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Headaches are most often benign. Everybody will feel pain every once in a while for a really wide range of reasons. But sometimes we need to pay attention. Read this article to learn when your headache is crossing the line from a nuisance to harmful. And what characteristics of a headache should tell you to dig deeper, looking for a more serious disease behind it.
Common causes of headaches
Feeling tension in your head when you are under stress is normal. When you have not had enough sleep. When you worry about an upcoming event. Any source of fear, doubt, anxiety or uncertainty may put a strain on your brain and cause you some discomfort. The pain is mild to moderate and appears inline with stressful periods of your life. Afterwards it is gone.
The environment.
The bad quality of the air you breathe is a direct cause of headaches. If the premises do not have enough oxygen, if the air is heavily perfumed by air fresheners in your office or car, or, for example, by incense in your massage studio, you may start to feel unwell and you need to take steps to clear your head. Some fresh air will clear that problem.
Paranasal sinuses.
A sinus is any cavity in your body. The paranasal sinuses are the four pairs of air chambers around your nose – mainly above and below your eyes. Usually if inflammation happens in and around the sinuses you feel dull, fogging pain in your forehead. Sinus headaches are often accompanied by cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, or a feeling of fullness in your face.
Blood pressure.
Hypertension may cause a headache, accompanied with visual problems. If you experience these two in concert, seek help immediately.
Headache is often the first one of ‘the hunger pains’. In fact, if you get a sudden sharp pain behind your eye sockets, it should be the first question you ask of yourself: ‘Did I skip breakfast today?’ Too much strenuous exercise will have a similar effect.
Women recognize headaches as a common symptom of PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). However, unfortunately, they happen any time large variations in the hormone levels occur, including during pregnancy, transitioning to the menopause, or while taking any hormonal medications, including birth control pills.
It may be more than a headache
If your headaches are so strong that you are becoming worried, keep a journal:
First, write down every instance when your headaches appear, with a date and time. Second, for every occurrence describe your pain. Is it: tension; throbbing; piercing; dull, etc. Third, for every occurrence rate your pain from 1 to 10, where 10 is the most intense. Fourth, describe where you feel the pain: in the back of your head; in your forehead; in your temples, etc. And last but not least, write down any accompanying symptoms or conditions: neck pain; the flu; too little sleep; too much sleep; had a lot of meat that day, etc.
If your headaches’ intensity progresses, together with the frequency of the headaches, contact your doctor and share your journal. They will want you to run some tests to identify the underlying reason.
You might be suffering from migraines
It is actually quite easy to recognize a migraine.
Before an episode, you may experience sensitivity to light, sounds, or certain smells. 99% of migraine sufferers also experience visual disturbances such as partial blurring, blind spots, an occurrence of zigzagging lines in their vision, or other.
The kind of pain you will feel is throbbing. It comes on and goes away gradually. The severity of the pain is most often reported as moderate to severe.
One episode lasts from several hours to two-three days. During an episode, most sufferers prefer quiet environments, and avoid any sort of physical activity. They would experience nausea, dizziness and excessive sweating.
After the episode is over, sufferers report feeling hung-over, sore and sometimes confused, unable to concentrate.
Relief for headaches and migraines
The reason behind migraine attacks is unfortunately still unknown. There is therefore no known long term cure for migraines. However, there are substances known to relieve pain and ease the symptoms of migraines.
Apran is happy to offer you two very successful supplements, with ingredients, carefully selected to work as complex and effective pain relief.
Migra-Eeze is perfect for sufferers of frequent headaches. The herb butterbur in Migra-Eeze, or as it is medically known - Petasites hybridus - has been proven to relieve pain, caused by inflammation of the sinuses. Moreover, the active ingredient, petasin, stops spasms of the smooth muscles, alleviating the tension, felt in the brain. Butterbur is reported to limit the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks. The active ingredient is supported by ginger and riboflavin (vitamin B2), which are rich in nutrients, known to naturally reduce the effect of headaches. The three, working together, are a powerful trio, helping patients forget about pain, and allowing them to gain back their productivity, health and happiness.
Brain shield.
Migra-Mag with Brain Shield delivers magnesium to your brain, which, similar to butterbur, relaxes the smooth muscles in the blood vessels, improving the blood circulation in your brain. In addition, it is a necessary nutrient to your brain cells – it is the second most common mineral in your body’s cells. Any deficiency will leave your tissues irritated and suffering. Migra-Mag with Brain Shield balances the neurotransmitters in your brain. Working in unison, the ingredients do not just block the way of the pain to your receptors, but work to heal your tissues, leaving you free of the agony.
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